We consulted our community on the updated Housing Strategy to help plan for our community’s housing needs over the next 15 years. Your feedback helped us identify where further consideration, refinement, or actions were needed, and has informed the final Boroondara Housing Strategy.

About our Housing Strategy

This strategy sets an overarching framework for housing in Boroondara and is guided by the Boroondara Community Plan 2021–2031. Our Housing Strategy will also help us advocate to the Victorian and Australian governments about housing issues that are outside our control.

Find out more about our Housing Strategy.

About the consultation

The community shared their feedback on the draft Housing Strategy through our online survey and drop-in sessions with Council officers.

During the consultation period, we received 62 online survey responses and 7 responses by post, email and in person.

We asked the community about 3 strategic directions that outlined our approach to responding to Boroondara's housing needs. There was generally strong support for the strategic directions we proposed.

What we heard from the community

Councillors' decision

Council officers presented the final Boroondara Housing Strategy to Councillors at the Urban Planning Delegated Committee Meeting on 18 September 2023. Councillors voted to adopt the Strategy. You can learn more about the meeting and see the meeting video recording on our Past meeting minutes and agendas page.