Improve creek health and biodiversity

  1. We are developing an Urban Greening Strategy, which is an action from the Boroondara Climate Action Plan. As part of this, we are completing an updated assessment of Gardiners Creek and the Back Creek sub-catchment. This assessment will give us the latest data on the health of our vegetation, support us with ongoing management and help us identify opportunities for more planting.
  2. We recognise that Gardiners Creek and the Back Creek sub-catchment are important for our biodiversity and provide a safe connection across our urban environment. We will continue to support ongoing annual revegetation to biodiversity sites, in line with the Urban Biodiversity Strategy.
  3. We will continue to contribute to revegetation programs, including new continuous riparian vegetated buffers (where possible) and keeping our existing vegetation.
  4. We will continue to support community groups and build capacity through citizen science and cultural engagement. We will also continue to advocate and work with other levels of government, relevant agencies and key stakeholders to improve the health of the catchment.
  5. We will deliver a program to restore habitat and install nest boxes.
  6. We know there are some residential property boundaries that are next to Gardiners Creek. This can limit community access and impact how we manage our waterways and biodiversity areas. If it's beneficial for the property owners and Council, we may negotiate subdivision or leasing arrangements. If land along the river is offered for sale, we will look into buying this land to change the property boundaries so the river can be available to the community. We will then sell the rest of the land and property in line with Section 112 of the Local Government Act 2020.

Reduce pollution and litter

  1. We can improve stormwater quality by reducing pollution at the source. We will develop a Pollution and Litter Reduction Plan during the 2022/23 financial year to meet our objective from the Boroondara Climate Action Plan. This plan will identify ways to better manage sources of pollution and litter that impacts the Gardiners Creek catchment, including possible gross pollutant traps and other infrastructure opportunities.
  2. We will advocate and work with other key stakeholders, such as Melbourne Water, Yarra Valley Water, Environmental Protection Authority and other council’s to find better ways to manage sources of pollution and litter. This includes within and beyond our municipality boundaries.
  3. Our Brands, Channels and Marketing teams will look at markers and contact information on proposed signage to help the community report pollution.
  4. We will continue to support community groups through ‘Clean Up Australia’ and the various ‘friends of’ groups connected to the catchment. We will look at opportunities to provide more support to our community through the Pollution and Litter Reduction Plan.
  5. We will make sure our practices, including weed management, are carried out in a way that avoids pollution of the creek or creation of litter.

Improve water quality and reduce pollutants

  1. We will look at opportunities in public open space for more stormwater irrigation, including sporting ovals and garden beds. We will continue to increase water harvesting opportunities in line with the Integrated Water Management Strategy.
  2. We will support flood management activities in a way that better protects properties from flooding while also protecting the environment, amenity and function of assets that are our responsibility.
  3. We will continue to support projects that minimise surfaces that can't be penetrated, reuse water onsite, include detention and retention basins to reduce peak flows, and use biofiltration systems or wetlands to remove pollutants.
  4. We will explore opportunities for associated Water Sensitive Urban Design projects through building projects.

Recognition and celebration of Aboriginal histories, cultures and knowledges

  1. We will look for opportunities to introduce initiatives across the catchment to recognise the Traditional Owners, the Wurundjeri Woiwurrung people, and the Aboriginal histories and cultures of the area.

Improve access and safety

  1. We will explore ways to make the alternative routes available for different users clearer. For example, through linemarking, signage and/or surface treatments to tell users about alternative routes that may be less busy.
  2. We will continue ongoing safety audits to our shared paths in line with the relevant standards.
  3. We will work to provide separate paths for pedestrians and bicycle riders on high-volume routes (where possible). We will also consider other shared path upgrades, such as drainage improvements, kerb ramps and amenities, including water fountains and seating. All separate paths that provide access to local facilities will be unsealed gravel (with no impacts to existing vegetation).
  4. We will make sure all furniture on the Gardiners Creek Trail is accessible. Where appropriate, we will include a gravel access path that connects to the furniture. We will promote consistency in furniture styles in line with Council’s latest furniture styles.