The Protection of Council Assets and Control of Building Sites Local Law was due to expire on 1 September 2021.

We wanted to renew the local law to reflect current issues and challenges within Boroondara, as well as legislative changes that have happened since this local law was introduced in 2011.

At its meeting held on 23 August 2021, Council resolved to make a local law titled Protection of Council Assets and Control of Building Sites Local Law.

The Local Law commenced operation on 1 September 2021. Read more on the Protection of Council Assets and Control of Building Sites Local Law | City of Boroondara page.

Read about the proposed local law and community consultation below.

Proposed local law

This proposed Protection of Council Assets and Control of Building Sites local law aimed to:

  • protect Council assets from damage caused by building work
  • protect the health and safety of any person who works or enters building sites
  • protect the health and safety of any person who resides near or passes by building sites
  • protect the amenity of any person who resides near or passes by building sites
  • provide for the administration and enforcement of this Local Law, and
  • provide for the peace, order and good governance of the municipality.

Key changes to the local law

The proposed Protection of Council Assets and Control of Building Sites Local Law (2021) would introduce some key changes to the current local law (2011), including:

  • new clauses to address concerns around building sites
  • plain language so it can be more easily understood
  • an increase in the number of infringements and their penalties
  • a widening of responsibility for breaches of the local law.

To understand how these changes affect you, read the Community Impact Statement in the Document library on the right-hand side of this page.

Have your say

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the proposed Protection of Council Assets and Control of Building Sites Local Law (2021).

The consultation closed on 29 July 2021.

Residential construction site with pink cement mixer